Answers to frequently asked questions

A. Frequently asked questions regarding buying and bidding

  1. What are the costs for packaging and shipping?
    Packing and shipping costs are calculated automatically and shown on your invoice. Here you can see all relevant information for shipping and packing costs.
  2. When does the current auction end?
    Essential for the auction closing is always the server time. You can find this time at the top of all bidding pages. Please press the reload button of your browser to see the current server time.
    All auctions end on Saturday evening from 19:45 to 21:50 German time. Every five minutes another category closes (e.g. Lowland Malt at 20:35 server time).
  3. When will I receive my parcel?
    You will receive a tracking-email at the day the shipment is announced to DHL. Parcels are usually shipped within a week of auction ending. Only US parcels take longer due US Import rules.
  4. Was the credit card transaction successful?
    Please check this on the site of your bank or credit card company. In case the transaction was not successful, we will contact you by email.
  5. Did my bank transfer reach you?
    Getting your tracking E-Mail is the confirmation of the bank transfer.
  6. Can I also pick-up my items?
    From Tuesday to Friday after the end of the auction you can pick-up your bottles at WhiskyAuction.Com in Fockbek.
  7. What are the bid increments in the auction?

    €1 - €49 - €1 increment
    €50 - €99 - €2 increment
    €100 - €199 - €5 increment
    €200 - €999 - €10 increment
    above €1000 - €25 increment

B. Frequently asked questions regarding selling bottles

  1. Did my parcel to you arrive?
    Please check the tracking system of your parcel service. When we have recorded all your sent items in our system, you will receive an email with a PDF-list including all details about your items as confirmation.
  2. Can I give these bottles into your auction?
    Please check our blacklist. All other bottles you can send to us:
    Thomas Krüger WA.Com, Timmerloh 8, D-24787 Fockbek, Germany
  3. What is the value of my bottles?
    Please inform yourself in our auction history, which price this bottle reached in the past auctions.
  4. When will I get my auction proceeds?
    The payment of the auction proceeds will be done at least on Wednesday after the auction closing. For this we need your birth date and your IBAN code.
  5. Do I get a list of all my items sent?
    When we have recorded all your sent items, you will receive an email including a PDF-list with all details as confirmation.
    After the auction closing you will get a PDF-Results-email with the final results, the fees and, where applicable, the QQB.
  6. What is the QQB?
    The QQB (Quality and Quantity Bonus) is an additional payment to you. It is a reward for you, if you give many good bottles into a single auction.
    Here you can find more information about the QQB.

If your question is not listed here, please send it by email Service@WhiskyAuction.Com