News and Updates
- Various usability improvements (reducing number of clicks needed)
- Improved display of history information for bottles
Developer Updates
An update to our website may lead to parts of the site not working as expected. For example, some customers may find the table view (current auction, whisky history, wishlist, collections) not showing any articles.
If this is the case for you, please clear your browser cache and reload the page (using SHIFT-F5).
The second part of our user interface update has been published. Phone users now have a settings button on the bottom nav bar, and the page header was decluttered for tablet users as well as phone users in landscape mode.
The website has undergone a small facelift on mobile phones. A few features didn't make it into this release and will be added in one of the next updates.
The card and list view now shows more detailed distilled and bottled dates.
A data inconsistency was brought to our attention. The manual intervention to correct this necessitated a cache reset, which unfortunately led to the website hanging for about 15 seconds at 21:24 CEST and for some users to be redirected to our maintenance page. We apologize for this necessary inconvenience.
To make navigation more straightforward and intuitive, you can now reach your bids and the list of your own posted items by visiting the filters and collections page.
On the item page, some of the detail information is now clickable, leading to a search for that specific attribute in the current auction.
A bug was fixed where not all selected filters would be saved through a reload.
The browser page is now correctly reset to 1 when you click one of the "closing times" links in the filter bar.
The browser pages now have a properly working "loading" spinner again.
Articles are now opened in a new tab by default. This behavior can be changed in the user settings.
In certain situations the selected filters were not properly saved and needed to be entered twice. If this bug persists for you, please let us know.
Users can now choose to pay via bank transfer. It is still a requirement to enter a valid credit card before switching.
The wishlist and watchlist icons in the browser card view are now working properly again.
The number of items shown is now correctly saved for logged-in users.
The new user-configurable table view is now live.
The table view has to be configured invidually for each browser (e.g. current auction, history etc). The following picture shows the control elements for the table, a description of each can be found underneath the image:
- The main element of the table are the individual columns. You can change the width of a column by holding the left mouse button over the separator between two column header. In order to change the order of columns, drag and drop a column Header to the desired position.
- Only a few columns are visible at first. In order to add additional columns, klick on the column chooser icon (2). Here you can add or remove columns for the current view by setting their respective checkboxes. Newly added columns will always be added to the end of the column list by default.
- Using the plus symbol (3) you can add user defined columns. A user defined column consists of one or more "normal" columns, which are then together displayed in one single column. You have the option to also show column titles. User defined columns can be resized or reordered just like normal columns.
- The selection dropdown shows the available user defined columns for the current tabel view. If you want to edit or delete a user defined column, please select the desired column here.
- The pen icon (5) is used to edit an existing user defined column and open the configuration dialog for the currently selected column.
- If you no longer need a user defined column, you can delete it with the X icon (6). Be careful: deleting a user defined is not reversible.
The user profile now shows the last three digits and expiration date of the currently supplied credit card.
Items can now be filtered by maturing/finishing types (e.g. Bourbon, Sherry).
The ticker now has received the previously missing sort option.
The ticker now has buttons to filter items by maxbids of 1000, 2000, 5000 EUR and higher.
Fixed a bug where some history items were showing broken images.
Bug fix: the watchlist is now sortable by auction closing times again.
Description texts for sets and accessoires were updated.
A website language preference option was added to the user settings, and the language configured here will now be automatically set after user login.
Some items were missing images on the history graph page.
A display error in the QQB calculator was fixed.
Using the global search box switched the page language back to English.
The Live Invoice was using the wrong size image format.
The "Edit Addresses" page has been updated. In particular, it is now possible to set a separate shipping address.
It is now possible to receive an email (once for each auction shortly after it is launched) notifying about items in the current auction that might be the same or similar to items on a user's wishlist. Find the new notification settings in the user profile under "Edit newsletter and notifications".
A "back to top" button was added to the page.
In the ticker view, only the last bid is displayed by default, and a "show more" link was added.
A user can now edit their company in "Edit personal information" again.
A button was added to switch browsers, for example from history to current auction, while keeping the currently selected filters.
A bug was fixed where it was impossible to reset the account password if the username was too long.
The current auction is now sorted by closing times by default, and the table view header has been cleaned up.
Bids are now updated in the watchlist.
The page header now shows the time remaining to the last day of the auction, and the item detail page shows a similar countdown for the individual item.
The "News and Updates" block at the top of the site now shows the date of the latest update.
The "World Time" link on the auction page has been changed to "Show the time in your city".
The card view has been updated, and now also includes release, maturing, and finishing information in the summary text.
Added currency to Live Invoice amounts.
Changed "Reset password" text on the login form to "I forgot my login".
The description column was removed from the ticker table view, and the content quantity column was made smaller.
There is a new user settings option to select whether all filters in the filter bar are shown by default.
The watchlist can now be sorted by closing times.
The tour/pickup request form should now work properly again.
Fixed misspelling in auction category "Ireland & Northern Ireland".
Added a missing EUR currency output to bidding page
Sets are now displayed with less whitespace and better positioning of the AB-item number
Fixed some button styling bugs on the item detail page.
The history link on the item detail page is now using the proper localization, so the history will now correctly open in the selected language.
Shipping Fees were added to the Live Invoice page.
The history page now filters generations correctly for a chosen set instead of showing all generations for all sets.
Added filters for "My Posted Items" and "My Bid Items" to the ticker page.
Double items are now marked with specific identifiers, denoting both the submission group and the individual item number in that submission group, e.g. "AB-002" for the second bottle in submission group "AB".
The wishlist, watchlist, and collections Icons in Card View are Now Clickable.
Items with a tin cap can now be properly searched and found through this property, both through full text search, and an individual tin cap filter.
The current auction description now contains a link to giving the auction end time for various countries of the world.
The Live Invoice page has seen some minor aesthetic updates.
A bug was fixed where the user's current max bid was not always updated properly.
Images in table view should now scale properly.
Fixed a bug on the ticker page in table view where the recent changes were not fully applied.
Fixed a few typos and translations.
Fixed a few display errors in the history browser where the new changes were not fully applied.
Fixed a bug when trying to download an invoice with a broken link/nonexisting id.
Fixed the Live Invoice table layout.
Fixed a bug where some history images were erroneously shown as missing.
Added links to Live Invoice and My Postings leading to the respective other page.
Added a link to "My Postings" to show all postings for all auctions.
The Live Invoice now shows the maximum bid for each bottle.
We updated the table layout to be easier to navigate especially on mobile devices. The buttons were removed, instead all column values should now link to the individual item page.
This is not the table view update from the above announcement - we're doing a bigger rework here which will unfortunately still take a little while. In the meantime, this should improve the usability of the existing table view.
Updated the safety box form to select the individual box size amounts directly.
An insurance fee notice was added to the Live Invoice page.
The countries in the country filter are now properly translated to the currently chosen site language.
A bug was fixed where the history would not open in a new tab, even when selected to do so in the user preferences.
The user's current maximum bid is now displayed on the "My Bids" page.
It is now possible to change the company name in addresses.
The main menu in mobile view now shows correctly as "main menu" when the display language is set to English.
The logo now shows in proper resolution.
Fixed a Link in the "WhiskyAuction.Com comes to Your Home" box.
A Javascript bug was fixed that led to the browser pages not working, leading to a permanently rotating "loading bottle" on some older devices. If this still occurs for you, please let us know.
Made Browser Backgrounds a Little Less Obtrusive
Fixed a bug where country names would always be displayed in German in the country dropdown box.
Added missing account feature: users can now change their email addresses.
The server time display now displays correctly even on smaller width displays.
The old history menu link now opens the history in a new tab.
The live invoice page now loads thumbnail sized images instead of full sized ones, and the image aspect ratio is now correctly preserved on lower width screens.
Cleaned up the outbidding mail layout a bit.
As an anonymous user (not logged in), the "direct click" closing times filters should now work as intended.
Minor new feature: current server time is now shown in the page header.
Auction calendar: work weeks now start on a Monday.
New (old) feature: the old history with items before 2014 is now available from the "Whisky Encyclopedia" menu.
New feature: auction categories in the "Closing Times" block are now clickable for instant filtering on this category. All other filters will be removed in this instance. You can still filter for multiple categories by using the corresponding checkboxes.
(Hopefully) Fixed a bug where when navigating back to e.g. the current auction using the web browser "back" button, the website would lose track of the user's last position (page, last seen item). This has been a bit hard to reproduce in all instances, so if this issue persists for you, please let us know.
When navigating browser pages with the language set to German, the loading spinner and overlay are now correctly showing.
Minor bugfix: Table view navigation was missing its proper styling translation.
The card view in browser pages included the wrong size images, resulting in unnecessarily long load times. This has been corrected.
New (old) feature: a list with all items of the current auction in text form is now available through a link from the current auction browser page.
Fixed a bug in Live Invoice where sometimes, invoices were not shown correctly.
New feature: for easier orientation, browser pages now have individual background colors.
Improved the performance of our full text search.
Bid input field: removed bid suggestion and replaced it with a placeholder text in order to reduce the number of mistakes with entered bid amounts.
Improved full text search. It should now produce much better results.
Browser views: increased max displayable items to 300, new default value is 100 for now. Default value may be subject to change.
User balance is now shown in the user account overview.
Loading times in the various browser pages: activated missing lazy loading.
Credit Card Authentication: various fixes and improvements. Please check back with us if problems persist when you try to register your card.
Series filter: now appropriately uses check boxes.
Card View: make whole card clickable (or most of it, anyway).
Card View: Fixed alcohol value display.
Display: keep "Closing Times" filter opened at all times.
The bid incrementis now correctly altered with increasing bids.
Bugfix: some images showed as broken and weren't fetched again even on page reload
Convenience: Birth Date field now has a date picker.
Mobile Display: Fixed menu being cut off for some intermediate display sizes (especially tablets).
Mobile Display: fixed missing background for tables wider than the current screen.
Bottles bought and sold can now be viewed or moved into a new collection from the "My invoices" page.